Infection Control Training
One subject you're probably not short of options for is infection control training! How can you tell which is the one to go for?
Mulberry House probably deliver more infection control training courses than most health and social care learning providers. Why? Quite simply, because our DVD based infection control resource is so good.
We address issues that many training providers should, but don’t, mention. The DVD's straightforward approach and easy to understand style helps people to learn from it and put that learning into practice.
This is exactly the type of "outcome based" learning that your inspector's looking for you to deliver.
It’s ‘spot on’ for induction, refresher, management and vocational training, for example the Care Certificate.
For more information about the Care Certificate click here.
You can always take the same course, at any time, online through our e-learning portal,
Printable PDF SyllabusProduct Syllabus:
A genuinely aspirational mix of ...
Contributes to Care Certificate Standard 15
... and some very helpful paperwork on the CD that comes with the DVD.
For a fantastic deal on managing your entire induction training needs, see our offer The Complete Induction Special
DVD Preview: