Record Keeping Training
Not only does proper record keeping make a positive contribution to quality care provision, it prevents errors and provides evidencing where needed.
Increasing demands for more paperwork and better standards of written communication requires health and social care providers to teach their personnel how to make a record in the correct manner and how records are to be effectively and properly used and managed.
This DVD based learning resource will genuinely benefit your record keeping by training people what to do and how to do it. Importantly, in a way that helps them understand why record keeping matters so that they are encouraged to put what they learn into practice.
The resource is ideal for induction, refresher, management and vocational training, such as the Care Certificate.
For more information about the Care Certificate click here.
The course is also available on our e-learning portal,
Printable PDF SyllabusProduct Syllabus:
Contributes to Care Certificate Standards 2, 6 & 14
What more could you want to deliver effective record keeping training in-house?
For a fantastic deal on managing your entire induction training needs, see our offer The Complete Induction Special
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